Submission history
of “China’s Investment Rate:
Implications and Data Reliability”
was invited to present the paper at the 2nd International Conference
on Evolving Finance, Trade and Investment in Asia, held at the National University
of Singapore, 21 October 2016:
“We would like ask you to present your
paper at the conference to be considered for publication in a special issue of
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade “Asia’s role in restructuring the global
financial system,” which is scheduled to be published in early 2017. Guest
editor is Tomoo Kikuchi of National University of
November 2016: Submitted paper to Emerging
Markets Finance and Trade
30 March 2017:
Received editor letter with referee comments: One referee liked it as is, the
other wanted a “theoretical framework” [here]
24 May 2017:
Submitted revised version: I address all referee comments and explain why there
is plenty of theoretical framework in the paper [here]
25 August 2017:
Received final decision: Reject because “the theoretical part is still lacking”
(???) [here]
29 September 2017:
Submitted to Comparative Economic Systems
14 November 2017:
Received editor decision: Reject. I don’t see that in the two referee reports.
13 May 2018: Submitted
to World Development
5 February 2019:
Reject with what I take to be two positive referee reports and a third referee
report of 50 words saying "scholarly contributions are not clear if not
minimal." [here]
I respond to the editor on 14 February 2019 arguing that this statement makes
no sense (and never hear back). [here]
22 April 2019:
Submitted to Economic Systems
On 30 January
2020, after not having heard back for 9 months, I look for the original email
acknowledgment of my submission and then click on a link to the current status
of my submission. It turns out that the paper was rejected by the editor on 6
May 2019 [here]
yet I never received an email. (I have plenty of emails from the same
journal/editor when I was a reviewer just weeks before my submission, with no
missing email.)