For the open letter to the Provost of 20 February 2014, click here.
Supplement to section 3
(sabbatical leave) re the
School of Humanities and Social Sciences:
At the School Board meeting on 20 February
2014, it was announced that the division heads will establish rules for
allocating an unspecified number of scarce sabbatical leave slots to a larger
number of applicants. The earlier statements to which I refer in section 3 were
not repeated. [27 Feb. 2014]
As of 28 Sept. 2014, I am on sabbatical leave
at Harvard University in the academic year 2014/15, having applied for
sabbatical leave in February 2014 and receiving approval in June 2014.
As of 29 March 2016, we are entering the third
year that HKUST sabbatical leave regulations are being applied by the division
head, and faculty members obtain sabbatical leave. (I am not aware that any
division rules re sabbatical leave were ever announced.)
As of 31 October 2016, sabbatical
leave has been abolished. The term
“sabbatical leave” is still around. In violation of the meaning of the term “sabbatical
leave,” the HKUST Provost uses it to denote a teaching-free period that follows
a concentration (bunching) of one’s teaching obligations. The concentration of
one’s teaching obligation followed by a teaching-free period “is not an
entitlement,” and there should be no more than “say 1 or 2” faculty members “going
on leave” in the same academic term. (Internal / non-published order of the
Acting Vice-President of Academic Affairs in 2007, followed by a reminder
emailed by EVPPO to schools in July 2016.) defines “sabbatical
year” as follows: “Also called sabbatical leave.
(in a school, college, university, etc.) a year, usually every seventh, of
release from normal teaching duties granted to a professor, as for study or
travel.” – The character of a sabbatical year is precisely that there is no
teaching, and no teaching to make up. Further: (1) Even before the abolition of
sabbatical leave by the Provost, it was not every seventh year at HKUST that
one could request sabbatical leave, because HKUST does not treat its faculty as
professors but as employees who are entitled to a certain number of days of
annual leave, and any such days of annual leave taken did not count towards
sabbatical leave. This meant, in practice, that sabbatical leave, if given at
all, was given more like every eighth year. (2) One-eighth (corresponding to
every eighth year) of a 30-faculty department would mean 4 faculty
are on sabbatical leave every year (not one or two). (3) Sabbatical leave is
not an entitlement at any university; however, I have not seen any university
of HKUST’s standing (except HKUST) that does not honor it automatically.
As of 31
October 2016, I have not received an answer to my open letter.